Friday, December 9, 2011


Our last session with Tina, Caden's Child Developmental Specialist, was on December 9. Again, another reason to call for tears. Tina has been with Caden longer than any other therapist. She started working with him when he was only four months old! There was a two-month period of time since then when we had another specialist, but otherwise, he has had Tina for longer than he can remember! I know I keep saying this, but these people seriously become a part of our family.

Tina came to our house every week for awhile and then it was twice/month. When you spend that much time with someone you really get to know them and appreciate what they do. They do not go into the field of early intervention for the money! They do it because they love kids and they love helping them. It is truly amazing!

Tina's last session was very fun because Caden made a Christmas wreath with her help. I'm not sure I got a picture of the finished product, but I have pictures and videos of it in the making. :)

We miss you already Tina! Caden keeps telling me he “misses Tina.” :( If that doesn't break your heart, I don't know what does. He was very attached to all his therapists so it's hard for him to understand why he doesn't see them anymore. Even if we didn't move, his therapies would have ended on his birthday on January 9. So time was running out regardless of our move to Washington.

Thank you for everything Tina!

Stacking pegs

"Like my bling?" 
"I use lacing string if you want to make your own..."  :)

Making a Christmas wreath - so fun!

Scooping and pouring beans...
and then dumping them all out on the floor!

We love you Tina!