Monday, December 5, 2011


After we got down the mountain after our church retreat, we took a detour and visited Caden's former PT, Julia. She really wanted to see Caden again before we moved so she could see how much progress he had made. She was his PT from the time he was just a few months old until right after her turned 2. At that point, she took another job and we changed our PT services to Erik at Easter Seals.

Thankfully I have been able to keep in touch with Julia as she was such an important part of Caden's life. And, I consider her to be a true friend. We got to know each other fairly well during our many hours of therapy with Caden. It was really nice to be able to spend some time with her before moving.

Thank you Julia for all you did for Caden! We can't thank you enough!

Julia with Kyler, Nathan (her younger son), me and Caden

Julia with Evan (her older son) and Caden

Julia with Caden (and Evan peeking in on the side!)  :)