Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Shriner's Update

On Tuesday, December 13, we had a crazy day! Thank goodness I had my mom along to help out. Caden had a follow-up appointment at the Shriner's hospital in Sacramento where they monitor his congenital scoliosis. His appointment was at 9:15. This normally wouldn't be a problem at all, but we also had a 1:30 pm appointment for him at UC San Francisco. I'll get into that more in the next post.

So needless to say things were going to be very tight on timing and everything needed to go smoothly in order to have enough time to drive to San Francisco and make it to the next appointment as well as be able to feed Caden in between...

We were very happy because everything at Shriner's went very well. He got his x-rays taken right away and taken into the exam room to see the doctor quickly also. We ended up having to wait for awhile there because he was still in surgery. But when he came in, it was all good news. He compared Caden's x-rays from a year ago to the ones taken that day and he was pleased. He believes Caden's scoliosis is a “non-progressive” kind and that means no surgery! He does want him to continue to be monitored over time to make sure. But for now, he gets an “all-clear” report! :) And, luckily for us, there is a Shriner's in Spokane where we go for the rest of Caden's specialty doctors. So it works out great!

Getting his x-rays taken - he did such a great job holding still!

Playing in the exam room while we waited for the doctor

Then we took off out of there and drove to San Fransisco for the next appointment...