Sunday, December 18, 2011

Going Away Party

On Saturday, December 17, our friends threw us a wonderful going away party. Well, as wonderful as a going away party can be. After all, it means that we had to say goodbye to all our dear friends in the Sacramento area and that wasn't fun! :( But it was so great to be able to spend some time with a lot of these people before we moved.

Special thanks to Suzanne, Sharon, Jenny, Becky, and more who helped put the party together. We really appreciate your thoughtfulness. It is especially hard for us to leave our church since it has been such an incredible support to us over the years, but especially in the last three and a half years as we have dealt with the emotional ups and downs of what was going to happen to Caden. We couldn't have gotten through it all as well without all their love and support. We had no family in Sacramento and our church truly became our “family.” It's hard to imagine not having them as part of our daily or weekly lives.

Here are just a few people who came to the party to fellowship with us before our move.

Pastor Walt and Brenda Groff


Dede, Greg, Martha (Greg and Martha look like twins)

Ashley and Darin

Jenny and Allison

Rhoben, Shonna and Kayla

Me and Stacey

Sam with Nicole and Becca

Bethanee and Me

David, Alisa and Crosby

Me and Becky

JB, Sharon, Me and Greg

Greg and Me with our dear friends:
Suzanne and Ryan and their kids Ellie and Brayden

Such cute table decorations!